families and supporters of people with a learning disability...... |
information and to increase awareness |
Karen died of cancer in April 2013
when she was only 44.
This was the tragic ending to three years
of distress and worry after Karen, who had a learning disability (LD),
was moved from home following an assessment of capacity under the
Mental Capacity Act 2005*.
Why have
I decided to have Karen's Page?
To inform families
of people with learning difficulties what problems they may encounter
and help to prevent a similar tragedy happening to them.
A report about our
survey into annual health checks has now been published
(see below):

As Karen loved butterflies
I am using a butterfly as a symbol for improving the awareness of problems
encountered by people with a learning disability and their families
*once over 18y a person must be assumed to have capacity
unless it is established via an assessment that they lack capacity:
Update: The House of Lords Committee reports on misuse
of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 - this article mentions Steven Neary's
case. There needs to be
a change in this law, repeal and/or proper training of those implementing
it: BBC Article |
Health Check Survey Report Our report on The Views of Carers of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities on Annual Health Checks - Final Report - published on the Public Health England - Improving Health and Lives website. The impetus to do this was because Karen, my daughter, had learning disabilities and to help other people with LD: The Views of Carers of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities on Annual Health Checks - Final Report
Derbyshire project to promote cancer screening in people with LD
I'm pleased to say that Derbyshire has set up a project to promote screening for breast, bowel and cervical cancer in people with LD amongst GPs and other groups.

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